Children Oji-Cree & Ojibway Songs

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The Oji-Cree and Ojibway Children‰Ûªs Songs book contains 14 songs that were written and recorded during a Sing Along Songs Workshop presented at the ‰ÛÏKeekeenomakaywin Mawatchhetewin‰Û Education Gathering held in the John C. Yesno Education Centre at the Eabametoong First Nation (Fort Hope) on February 21, 2007.

Matawa First Nations consist of 10 Ojibway and Oji-Cree communities located in the cetral part of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation Territory.
Jim Hollander is a curriculum writer with the Ojibway and Cree Cultural Centre.

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The Oji-Cree and Ojibway Children‰Ûªs Songs book contains 14 songs that were written and recorded during a Sing Along Songs Workshop presented at the ‰ÛÏKeekeenomakaywin Mawatchhetewin‰Û Education Gathering held in the John C. Yesno Education Centre at the Eabametoong First Nation (Fort Hope) on February 21, 2007.

Matawa First Nations consist of 10 Ojibway and Oji-Cree communities located in the cetral part of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation Territory.
Jim Hollander is a curriculum writer with the Ojibway and Cree Cultural Centre.

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