This Grade One reader is part of the Reading and Learning Series produced by the Ojibway and Cree Cultural Centre. The readers in this series were developed around the concept of the good way of life. This way of life, derived from living on the land and obtaining food from it, kept the Nishnawbe Aski Nation people strong, happy, and healthy in the past. The ten stories in this reader involve the adventures of Jimmy, Janie, and their family following the good way of life.
This version of the Grade One reader has been translated into Ojibway.
Anastasia Weesk is a Cree translator and interpreter from Timmins, Ontario. It has been her dream to write books for children in the Cree language. She has many children and grandchildren of her own. Anastasia has written the stories contained in this reader for them and other children as her way of preserving the Cree language and culture.
Gordon Goodwin is a talented Cree artist from Kashechewan, Ontario. Gordon has several children of his own and would like to see them maintain their language and culture.
Grade Level:University